
*** Now talking in #gaysons&dads
*** Topic is ‘younger and older find each other on this channel’
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[Boybum] !son
*** furryone sets mode: +v Boybum
* devon15 has a homepage at http://www.realistic.net/pages/devon15/home.html
[randy_] swedish dads???
[^luis^] NOTE: If you are a son looking for a dad, type !son in the message window and get a +next to your nick
*** Silky sets mode +c ! ^ @modem – 319 real – fishclown.dialdown.lop.co.ku
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[NiPPer] !son
^luis^ sets mode: +v NiPPer
*** MtLDaD has joined #gaysons&dads
* leatherGA is 6 ft. (1.83), 35”w, 45”c, no 1 crop, tache, hairy front, 7+” (19cm) c, tattoos and a hard top ***Zaj--- has left #gaysons&dads

Pvt Msg

[MtLDaD] How old?
[Boybum] almost 14
[MtLDaD] wow! young
[Boybum] :)
[MtLDaD] Are you gay or just curious?
[Boybum] I used to have a bf
[MtLDaD] What happened to him?
[Boybum] he moved away for a job
[MtLDaD] What did you and he do?
[Boybum] he would undress me and play with me and we would do jo and sometimes he would put his dick between my legs
[MtLDaD] nice
[Boybum] yes, I miss him.
[MtLDaD] How long has he been gone?
[Boybum] almost a year.
[MtLDaD] And you haven’t found anyone else?
[Boybum] my friend says that I should stop feeling sorry for myself and go look for someone.
[MtLDaD] Is that why you’re here?
[Boybum] well, he also says we should not meet anyone from chat.
[MtLDaD] Is that what you think?
[Boybum] I do not know. Maybe I would.
[MtLDaD] What do you look like?
[Boybum] 5’ 110, blonde, blue eyes
[MtLDaD] nice
[Boybum] thank you :)
[MtLDaD] Do you have ICQ?
[Boybum] no
[MtLDaD] I think you are perfect for me, I want to keep in touch.
[Boybum] Do you want my email?
[MtLDaD] Please
[Boybum] boybum@hothail.com



It was really a pleasure for me to talk with you today. You would be what I would call an ideal young guy to eventually meet and be with. I Don’t know what your thoughts are on that, but it would be nice for me.

What activities are you involved in? Do you enjoy sports? Any idea of what you would like to do in the future? Just making conversation here you can email and touch on any topic you want.
Looking forward to hearing from you.



Dear MtLDaD,

I like swimming, reading, chess and model cars. I am not interested in sports much, but I do not hate gym like some kids do.

I will be going to high school next year. Then college I suppose. A small school I think.

I would like a friend like the one I had. Someone I can see almost every day who will love me like he did. My friends tell me I have been moping and I need to get off my bum and go find someone. So tomorrow I am going to start.

It would be nice to have a friend like you to chat with. It helps me to try to put things into words, I think.

Thank you for writing to me.

Stevie (Boybum on chat)


Hello Steven

It was great hearing from you. I understand what you are going through as I would love to meet someone like you on a regular basis, just to visit and be close to, not necessarily always for sex. I really enjoy sports, although I am not a very big guy. I am 5'8" 160 lbs. I play golf as often as I can.

I had an experience with an older gentleman when I was about 11. I don’t remember much about it, except that I did get very hard. I just wish I was closer to you. If we continue to talk on here, I sure would make an effort to visit and meet you one day. Do you have a pic of yourself. I have one if you are interested in seeing it. Have a great day and hope to hear from you.



Hi Steven

Has anyone told you recently that you are beautiful? I would love to have the opportunity to hold you and just hug you one time. I would also love to have the opportunity to be your friend for as long as you want on here. I have enclosed a pic of me. If I don’t hear back from you in the near future, I would be disappointed even though I might not be what you would like to see. Looking forward to your message.




I thought that I had sent some words too, but I got confused. I think you look wonderful, very handsome. I do not play golf, or want to, but I might like to caddy for a friend. I like to watch golf on TV once in a while.

My friend Devon says that it isn’t a good idea to meet people from chat. I do not know if I would, but maybe. He and I went to church together on Sunday for me to look for a man.

I may have found one. He smiled at me when he saw me waiting around to go in, so I went and sat next to him inside. We were touching knees sometimes and he did not move away. In the basement later where they have coffee I talked to him and his wife and kids.

Anyway, I am doing something instead of just staying in my room feeling sorry for myself. I hope that you find a boy near you to love because you deserve to and some boy will be really lucky. And I am glad we can be friends on chat.

Hugs, Steven


Hi Steven

Nice to hear from you. Is your friend Devon gay as well? I understand where he is coming from when he indicated that you have to be careful about meeting people on the net. If I were close to you at any time in the future, I would suggest meeting someplace public, so you are very comfortable. I hope it works out for you with the man you saw in church. Does he have a son of his own, or are his kids girls? I would love to be near you just to give you a hug. Do you ever talk with young guys from this area, say around Montreal? I know there are some channels on here, like teen channels where just teens go. Let me know if you talk with anyone from Montreal who might be looking for nice older guy like me. lol May I ask if you have a father at home? If I get too personal, just tell me, would just like to know you little more. Please write soon.



Hi MtLDaD,

Devon is gay and has a couple of older friends, One of them gave him a computer to use. He keeps it at my house so his parents do not see it. That is how come I have a really nice computer to use right in my room.

The guy from church has two kids, a boy and a girl. The boy is seven and the girl is five. I think he is just going to be a church friend. But that is nice. He works at a bank. He makes loans to people. I am going to do a school paper on banking. TeeHee :)

What are those channels where teens go? I go to one sometimes, but do not remember talking to anyone from Montreal.

Yes, I have a dad. He is older than most kid’s dads. He is 68. He is retired, but he goes out every day on business or meetings, just like he was working.

Hugs, Steven


Hi Steven

It is real nice to have an understanding friend your age who you can relate to and express your feelings. You are a lucky young guy. I Don’t know if you have ever visited #gayteens, #gayboys but they are a couple of channels where young guys visit and discuss feelings. Wouldn't it be interesting if you ever talked with someone much like you from this part of the country. Think I would have died and gone to heaven. lol Does your mom or dad have any idea of your feelings for men? I look at your pic on a regular basis and cannot believe how cute you are and how much I would enjoy meeting you. Looking forward to hearing from you.




We had a bunch of computer crashes that just got fixed. I have not been to #gayboys but I will try it. I would like to help you find a friend. I think that spending time where boys hang out where you live would work better. But it might take a lot of time.

I think my parents have an idea about me. They knew how much time my friend and I spent together and that we cared for each other a lot. So they know I liked that man very much and that he liked me very much. I think they guess that I am gay, but I am not sure.

Hugs, Steven


Hi Steven

Computer-crashes seems to be everywhere. Mine is fixed too and I hope get no further. Your parents are around the age of mine. My dad became 63 last January, Mom is 59 now. And they are loving too. I’m happy that you have lots of love from your parents.

Actually I agree with you that its better to do something to not feel lonely inside. That could break a boy or a man and would make you more than sad. Its good that you can speak about your feelings and live them. And always remember to be careful and don’t get used. You have to be yourself all the time. And remember to be careful to not get into trouble or get him into trouble. But I don’t want make you sad. I’m happy that you will have found one.

Would be more happy if we where close together and I would be that man. And I will look for a boy too. Can you imagine how great it would be to have you close, hold you tight and feel your skin, smell your hair and spend lots of time with you? I look to your pic often and I’m really glad to be your friend. When will you be online again?

Ok I have to finish work now. Hope to see you soon in channel and maybe be with you for real someday. I’ll always be your friend and will be there for you in times you feel good and in times you have trouble. I would do all for you!

I send you all my love, MtLDaD



It is very nice of you to write to me and care about me so much. I think I would like it if you played with me the way my friend did. Devon says that we should not meet people from chat, but you seem very kind.

Love, Steven


Hi Steven

It is great to hear from you. I have been out of town on business for past several days and just got back. It was nice to see your message. Maybe you can help me here with little information as to what say to someone like you who would be looking for an older gentleman or if you happen to see one of interest to you at a mall. What would the gentleman see in you that would indicate that you would be interested in him. I don’t know if I am asking this the right way, but I guess what I am looking for are the signs a young guy would project to let an older persons know he is interested. Would you think a mall or a store would be a place to meet someone. I know you indicated that you met a father in church, but I do not attend church, so that rules that out. Anything else exciting happening to you? Is it warm there now? Has spring arrived? I am looking forward to hearing from you again. Take care and be good.




You should watch people to see if they are looking at you. If someone you like looks at you, you should smile at them. If they smile back you should say something to them. If they talk back to you, keep chatting. You have to become friends and then see what happens. You can not be in a big hurry to have sex and sometimes you will only be friends.

You have to spend time making friends. You could go to a church if you wanted to. You could go to a different one each Sunday. There are YMCA’s here, and other places where kids are.

I went to #gayboys but only chatted with an older guy. I do not chat with other kids much.

We had a couple of nice warm days, then it got colder again.

Hugs, Steven


Hi Steven

Great to read from you. And its also great to hear that you have a best friend to talk about everything and understanding parents. Its a great honor to meet such a lucky boy like you. I have great parents too but they don’t like the idea of me being gay. And I have one good friend to talk with. But I’m VERY happy for you. I think it doesn’t matter of being gay or not. You are nice and that’s what I like. You are a great guy too! And you have a dad who loves you. And I’m sure I’d like to play with you too. I would be very gentle and romantic. Say hi to Devon and give him a big hug from me too. Its an important thing he said always being careful - specially on the net. There are many fools in it. And always remember there will be nothing you can’t talk with your parents and friends. Maybe one day I will have the fortune to hold you close and show you all places I like. Show them you and Devon.

Hugs and kisses, love MtLDaD



Thank you for writing to me. Devon says hello. He says that he has chatted with you too. That was a good idea for me to give him a hug from you. I have been trying to get him to play with me a little and that gave me a good excuse to hug him.

The guy from the bank isn’t going to be more than a friend. But this last Sunday I met another guy who builds houses with a friend of his. He is a single guy.

Hugs and kisses to you. Love, Steven


Hi Steven

I have been out of town on business for some time and just wanted to write a quick note to see how things are with you? Have you met anyone interesting yet? The weather is really warm here now and it will soon be time to hit golf balls.

What is happening in your life these days? What time of the year do you finish school for the summer? Do you go till the end of June? Would be nice to hear from you again. Take care and have great day.




Everything is good with me. I hope your trip was good. I have spent sone time with the guy who builds houses. Devon says I should try to be helpful, like bringing him a cup of coffee or picking up trash around the house he is building. So I did, and now sometimes he asks me to bring him his hammer or something.

School is over near the end of June. Thank you for writing to me.



Hello Steven

It is really unfortunate that when you find someone who would be perfect for you, they are miles away, like you would be for me. I sure hope the guy building houses really appreciates you. We have had some nice weather here this week and I was golfing yesterday for the first time this year. I have some sore areas which have not been used for a while. Do you give good back rubs? What do you do after school each day? Do you have some chores to do? Do you get a lot of homework? Looking forward to hearing from you.




I would try to give a good back rub. You could teach me. After school I use the computer and if it is not raining I go over to where Larry is building the house. I do my homework and other reading in the evening. My parents like me to do it downstairs, because that is the time we have together. They are both away during the day.

I don’t have any chores. I am really lucky that way.

Devon is going away in a couple of days and I wont have a computer to use until he gets back.

Hugs, Steven


Hi Steven

How are things with you today. Friday is here and the weekend is coming. Do you have any plans? How are you doing with your friend Larry and the house building? Has he noticed yet that you are interested in him? How long is your friend Devon going to be away for? Where did he go? Do you do any travelling with your family in the summer? Take care and have great day. Give me a shout when you get your computer back.




Devon was away for a week. He was in North Carolina on vacation with his family, but now he is back. My parents may take a trip in the summer, but they haven’t said so yet.

Larry is getting on with his house and will be done with it soon. He has another job for when this one is finished. And it isn’t too far away so I will be able to visit that one too.

I am pretty sure that he knows how much I like him, but I think he is afraid to be the first. I think I can get Devon to have a sleep over at my house. He would be good to be the first because he isn’t very big either. TeeHee I have been asking him for a long time. It might be easier to get something going with Larry if he thinks I have already done things.



Hi Steven

Sorry for being silent that long time. My mom came out of hospital and isn’t ok. She got an apoplexy of her brain. So its lots to do here. What was Devon’s nick when we chatted? Actually I can’t remember but maybe when I know his nick. If you like to hug him again, do it for me and if you also like you can give him a kiss on top of his nose. I know you will enjoy it. Take care and be mine one day.

Kisses all over, MtLDaD



I am sorry that your mom has been sick. Is apoplexy a stroke or something else?

Devon’s nick is coolboy15. He said that he chatted with you yesterday. He says that you are always wanting him to visit you, and he cannot get you to understand that he cannot do it.

That is a good idea to give him a kiss on the nose from you. Thank you for the kisses all over. TeeHee.



Hi Steven

It was nice talking with you the other night on IRC. Did you get Devon to spend the night with you and if so, can you tell me what happened? I am still looking here. I have had some conversations but nothing concrete. Just have to keep looking.

I mentioned to you that I might be in your area this summer and you indicated that you thought it not to be a good idea to meet someone from the net. Would you be comfortable if Devon was there as well. I have no problem talking with both of you.

Please let me know your thoughts.

How are things going with Larry?




I will ask Devon about meeting with you together. We did have a sleep over and I’m a big boy now.

On Tuesday, he and I went to Larry’s house. I told Larry I wanted him to meet my friend. Devon put his arm around my shoulder once and squeezed the back of my neck once. We were very chummy. I hope Larry figures out that I like guys. That was our plan anyway.


During chats with MtLDaD, Boybum revealed that becoming a big boy meant that he had now experienced oral and anal intercourse. MtLDaD sent no more emails and no longer sought out Boybum on #gaysons&dads for chats. Stevie’s relationship with Larry developed into a friendship then a relationship. So he was happy.

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